THE CBS Foundation (Cendekia Bakti Sejahtera) is a social foundation focused on education. Established as a form of endeavor of the country’s children who want to participate in realizing the ideals of the proclamation of Indonesian independence, including educating the life of the nation, through educational channels. Whether it is formal education, non-formal education or informal education.
The formal education pathway chosen by CBS is not only for public education, but also for special education, education for children with special needs.
This was chosen because, in addition to the still unbalanced attention of the audience in the world of special education for children with special needs (compared to public education), also because CBS people mostly have backgrounds and competencies in fields that directly intersect with the education of children with special needs. Even one of the background to the birth of CBS is to open a branch of one of the special schools in the city of South Tangerang.
For general education (non-educational for children with special needs), CBS focuses on educational activities that can shape the character of learners in order to have life skills based on proven theories, life skills that are in harmony with their environment, and based on the belief in the truth of the values of the One True God.
Beyond all that, CBS is well aware of its limitations, particularly in terms of finances. This is because CBS was not founded on the basis of a collection of capital forces, but rather a collection of people who have idealism that is balanced with the realities of life. To that end, CBS opens the door wide for those who want to entrust / donate / provide financial assistance that is not binding, from all parties permitted by this applicable law republicized, to jointly CBS realize the ideal of the proclamation of independence, namely to educate the life of the nation.